System Tuner Pro Full APK cracked for Android OS mobile phones

The most complete Android tuner and manager for all your phones and tablets!
25% off regular price, get it while it lasts!
The most complete Android system suite: monitor and record all activities, backup and restore *any* applications, extended task killer, CPU SD and memory controls, logcat reader, terminal emulator, widgets and notifications, all in one highly optimized app!
Developed and tested on HTC Evo 3D, Galaxy S2, Iconia A500, Galaxy S, LG 2X, HTC Sensation.
By far the lowest consumption monitoring app! Check web-site for app consumption!
WARNING: Requires WIFI, BT, PHONE and GPS permissions to record phone states. App checked with Privacy Inspector!
You can add shortcuts to your home screen for any of the below features/screens!
Task Manager:
- Filter user/system/kernel processes and exclusion list
- Shows cpu load/frequency, memory/internal/sd usage
- Sort processes by cpu times, start time, memory or by name
- Kill non manually excluded apps automatically
- Shows detailed information about running apps and processes
- Open app system settings
- Read app logcat
- Manually kill running apps
Extended Task Killer
- Kill non-excluded apps automatically or manually
- Kill apps during screen-on, screen-off or when widget refreshes
- Manually exclude or include apps
- All system apps are excluded by default
- Manually kill kernel processes (rooted phones)
- Display memory details (RAM & internal)
- Display SD details (internal & external SD)
Application Manager (rooted phones):
- Freeze/unfreeze apps (prevents app from running)
- Backup/restore any apps, including system apps
- Backup/restore any app settings
- Uninstall any apps, including system apps
- Launch and read app logcat
- Display application data and cache usage
- Sort application by name, data usage or cache usage
- Move any apps to/from system/user space
Activity Recorder:
- Record (optionally at boot) activities in the background
- Record all apps or all processes
- Record phone states (screen, wifi, bluetooth, gps, mobile data, signal)
- Import Battery Monitor Widget Pro data for detailed analysis!
- Allows analyzing past recordings without limits
Logcat Reader:
- Display log(cat) for all/one process
- Filter logcat by message levels
- Filter logcat based on user-defined text
- Save logcat to file
- Clear existing logcat
Terminal Emulator:
- Keeps history of previously used Linux commands
- Save output to file
- Run commands as Super User (rooted phone)
System Tweaker (rooted phones):
- Tweak SD cache size to boost performance (not all phones supported, please report)
- Tweak Android auto-kill memory settings
- Tweak CPU governor + frequencies during screen-off, on-call
- Tweak CPU voltage (when available on custom Kernel)
- Optional OC/deamon disabler and uses Linux init.d script when available
Notification & Widgets:
- Show information (cpu, memory, SD) in notification bar or widgets
- 1x1 and 2x1 widgets available
- Notification icons are provided as external packages, many available for white/black notification backgrounds
- Many different widget backgrounds: HTC Sense 2 or 3, Google, Glassy half or fully transparent.
- Show cpu load, frequency, governor, free/used memory (flash/internal/sd), process count using text or 2 side levels.
- Starts 2 different actions by clicking on the icon or label, including:
. Start/stop recording process activity
. Kill all non-excluded processes
. Refresh
. Start task manager
. Open analyzer
. Open app manager
. Open settings

Old name: Process Monitor Widget Pro

View at Android Market


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